General University Scholarships


General University First Time Freshman Scholarships 

Scholarship GPA and Class Rank SAT ACT Maximum Award Amount
Regents 3.75 - 4.0 and Top 5% 1370 and up 30 - 36 Up to $14,000
Presidents Transformation 3.5 - 3.74 and Top 10% 1240 - 1369 26 - 29 Up to $10,000
Tiger Genesis

3.0 - 3.49 and Top 20%

1050 - 1239 19 - 25 Up to $7,000

Tiger P.A.W

(Providing A Way)

2.5 - 2.99 900 - 1049 17 - 18 Up to $1,000

 * Scholarship offers are based on GPA provided on the high school transcript. GPAs that are not shown on a 4.0 scale will be converted to a 4.0 scale before a scholarship offer is provided.  Click here to access the GPA converter tool.  Scholarship offers are not guaranteed and are subject to availability of funds at time of offer.     

* Students without a class rank can still be considered for General University Scholarships.  When applicable, the Scholarship Committee will determine scholarship eligibility based on other admission information provided, such as high school GPA and standardized test scores.

* Scholarships are considered a resource and will affect the amount of need-based aid included within the financial aid packages. In some cases, your cost of attendance may require adjustments to be made to the scholarships as well as federal, state, or university funding.  As a result, reductions or cancellations of existing aid within the financial aid packages may occur.

* General University Scholarships are awarded based on the availability of funds. 

* To maintain the Tiger P.A.W scholarship you must be meeting the university SAP requirements and matriculate to the next grade level. 


General University Continuing Scholarships

Scholarship GPA Hours Maximum Award Amount
Continuing General University Scholarship  3.0 30 Up to $4,000



General University Transfer Student

Scholarship GPA Degree Maximum Award Amount
Presidents Transfer  3.5 Associate Degree Up to $10,000 per year
Scholarship  GPA Hours Maximum Award Amount 
General University Transfer  3.0 30   Up to $4,000 per year


Competitive Scholarship Waiver Open
Scholarship Requirements Open